
What is the website to booking engine click rate?

The click rate is the percentage of website visitors that make it to the booking engine.

You can find this number if you divide the number of users who have visited the booking engine by the number of website visitors.

Why is this metric important?

This metric measures your website’s ability to convince users to make it to the BE. It’s a metric that measures your website quality and ability to transform lookers into bookers.

What is considered good and a low click rate?

A very good CTR is everything above 40%. A CTR between 20-30% is considered good and a CTR below 10% is considered very low and it’s a red flag that your website might be having a problem.

Where can I find the hotel website to booking engine click rate?

The hotel-to-website booking engine click rate is available along with other important performance metrics on the Userguest Dashboard.

You can find this metric under the “Website Analytics” tab and under the “Conversion Rates” section.

Hotel website to booking engine checklist

User Experience

Make sure that your website navigation is simple and that you have a clear call to action. Use a familiar call to action such as Book Now or Make a reservation. Make sure that your booking widget is well visible, the best price guarantee clearly highlighted and the special offers are easy to find.


Clearly highlight the offers most likely to be attractive to your audience.  You need to clearly highlight your special offers and personalize them as much as possible. For example, show your Early Bird offer to the markets which have a long lead period and the Last Minute offer to the short-haul market. Add a bit of urgency by displaying a flash sale offer available for a limited time.

Website loading time

Make sure that your website loads fast enough on both desktop and mobile devices. Every second counts. One second delay in page response can result in a 7% reduction in conversions.

Website traffic quality

It’s important to see if your marketing campaigns are bringing traffic to your website from the right markets.  Target the markets which historically book the most on your website and have high conversion rates.