What is the booking engine conversion rate?
The booking engine conversion rate is the percentage of users who have visited the booking engine and have made a reservation.
You can find this metric by dividing the number of bookings by your booking engine visitors.

Why is this metric important?
This metric measures your booking engine’s ability to turn lookers into bookers.
The booking engine conversion rate is an important performance metric that could indicate potential rate and availability problems and booking engine issues.
What is considered good and a low booking engine conversion rate?
A BE CVR above 4% is considered a very good CVR. A BE CVR between 2-3% is considered average and everything from 1% and below is considered a low CVR.

Where can I find the booking engine conversion rate?
The booking engine conversion rate is available along with other important performance metrics on the Userguest Dashboard.
You can find this metric under the “Website Analytics” tab and under the “Conversion Rates” section.

Booking engine conversion rate checklist
Booking engine navigation issue
A good practice is to make the booking process as simple as possible and reduce the booking steps to 2 or 3 maximum.
Rates and offers
It’s important to make it as easy as possible for the users to book so don’t overwhelm them with too many options. Provide only 1-2 rates per room type.
If most of your inventory is not available it would be harder for the users to make a booking and the conversion rates would immediately drop.
Cancellation policies
A good practice is also to offer flexible cancellation policies. Our experience shows that hotels with flexible cancellation policies tend to have much higher conversion rates.
Last but not least, choose a vendor who consistently delivers high conversion rates for all their properties.