What is website traffic quality?
A good website traffic quality is traffic coming from the markets which have the highest conversion rates and typically generate a big percentage of your online bookings.
A bad website traffic quality means that the visitors to your website are not your ideal customers. They come from markets that don’t typically generate bookings or are not part of your demographic target group.
Why is this metric important?
Analyzing your traffic quality would provide you with valuable insights into your marketing campaigns and your website performance.
Driving traffic from markets that have low conversion rates can negatively impact your website conversion rates and can diverge marketing budgets from other markets with higher potential.
Analyzing your website conversion rates per market will point you in the right direction. This analysis will show you the right markets to focus on energy and marketing budgets.
How to calculate a market conversion rate?
The best indicator of each market’s quality for your hotel is the conversion rate. The conversion rate is the number of bookings divided by the number of website visitors. It is the percentage of users from this market which make a reservation.

Where can I find the markets’ conversion rate?
You can find each market conversion rate on the Userguest Dashboard under the ‘Website Analytics’ section along with other important market metrics.
Analyze your markets’ conversion rates and make sure to target the markets which bring the most direct bookings and that have the highest conversion rates.