

Managing a hotel group and leveraging the unique features of each individual hotel can be a challenge. 

That’s why we have developed a technical solution which empowers hotel groups with the tools and data that they need to create tailored data-driven marketing strategies for all hotels in the group using one interface.

Interactive Dashboard

Monitor all properties data and performance at once! 

With Userguest’s interactive dashboard, you get access to all essential data in one place. The Dashboard will allow you to understand how users interact with the whole group and with each property individually.

The Dashboard presents the data in a comprehensive and user-friendly way which simplifies the strategic decision-making process. 

For example, you will be able to compare the revenue, bookings and conversion rates for all your properties all in one single table. Get each property’s performance at a glance and identify potential conversion issues in a timely manner.

User-friendly data analytics

One of the features enjoying the most positive feedback is the ability to analyze markets behaviour on both group and individual property level. 

Getting the seasonality and booking behaviour patterns for all properties in one place will help you determine the best offers for every individual hotel. 

The Dashboard allows you to easily compare offers performance and the impact of the notifications for every property and to adjust your promos accordingly when necessary. 

Customizable notifications on property and group level

That’s not all! With Userguest you have the ability to create notifications and marketing initiatives for each property of the group centrally. 

Our solution allows you to support individual hotels performance by pushing a specific hotel offer on the corporate homepage and redirecting traffic to the hotel´s booking page.

You can change and edit notifications easily with just a few clicks depending on your marketing goals, seasonality, availability and overall strategy. 

Secure a booking from every user with smart pop-ups such as the exit intent notification: 

Create new offers for all hotels simultaneously

With our most recent feature, you can also create notifications for all or selected hotels from the group simultaneously. Our user-friendly setup will save you time and will allow you to manage all offers in one place.

Notifications on the group homepage

Display social proof messages on the group homepage. This feature allows you to capitalize on the corporate website traffic and build customer loyalty with special offers for return guests. 

Prompt your website visitors to book by adding urgency messaging. On top of that, you can push specific hotels or a website wide offer, depending on your strategy.

Group and property level access

You have the opportunity to manage all individual properties under one login and provide individual properties marketing teams with their own access to the system.

This trier level access allows you to manage and analyze all properties of the group at one place while providing the individual marketing teams with the ability to implement initiatives, create notifications and access their website analytics data.