

The Paris Olympics 2024 isn’t just a thrilling event for sports buffs – it’s a golden opportunity for hoteliers to make waves, draw in more guests, and boost direct bookings. 

Yet, with the competition heating up during these occasions, standing out calls for some savvy moves. In this article, let’s dive into some exciting strategies and tactics that hoteliers can deploy to ride the wave of the Paris Olympics and drive direct bookings – and hey, these tactics work for any big event in any happening city!

1. Early Bird Promotions

Get the excitement brewing early! Start marketing your hotel’s availability for the Paris Olympics well in advance.  Roll out tempting early bird deals exclusively for direct bookings. 

Show off the perks of booking directly – think loyalty bonuses, or maybe even complimentary upgrades.

2. Tailor-Made Thrills

Craft special packages that cater to the whims and fancies of Olympic enthusiasts. Throw in everything from accommodation to Olympic event tickets, transportation perks, guided tours, or maybe even some VIP dining experiences. 

Let your guests know they’re in for an all-inclusive treat when they book directly with you.

3. Amp Up Your Online Game

Optimise your hotel’s website and social media channels to capture the attention of potential guests searching for accommodation during the Paris Olympics. 

Use targeted keywords related to the event in your content and metadata to improve search engine visibility. Leverage engaging visuals and user-friendly booking interfaces to encourage direct bookings.

4. Get Personal with Your Promos

Give your marketing campaigns a personal touch. Break down your audience into different groups based on their quirks, interests, and booking habits. Reach them with tailored marketing campaigns that speak directly to them. Use email blasts, retargeting ads, and social media wizardry to serve up deals and promos that’ll make them want to book directly – no questions asked!

5. Team Up with Local Heroes

Time to join forces with the local legends! Partner up with nearby businesses – restaurants, tour guides, transport hubs – to offer your guests exclusive deals and discounts. 

By bundling up services, you’re offering an unbeatable experience that’ll have guests lining up to book directly with you.

Consider creating joint marketing campaigns to reach a wider audience.

6. Loyalty Pays Off

Show some love to your loyal guests. Set up a snazzy loyalty programme that rewards direct bookers with treats like room upgrades, future discounts, or maybe even a VIP pass to your hotel’s coolest amenities.

Keep them engaged with emails and perks that’ll make them feel like part of an exclusive club

7. Roll Out the Red Carpet Treatment

When guests walk through your doors during the Paris Olympics, make sure they feel like they’ve hit the hospitality jackpot. Anticipate their every need, offer insider tips for navigating the event, and go above and beyond to exceed their expectations. When guests leave singing your praises, you can bet they’ll be back – and booking directly, of course!

In a nutshell, big events like the Paris Olympics 2024 are prime time for hoteliers to shine. With a dash of creativity, a sprinkle of personalisation, and a whole lot of guest love, you’ll be driving direct bookings and basking in the glory of a fully booked hotel faster than you can say “gold medal”. 

So, what are you waiting for? Let the games begin!