
Picture this: you’re cruising the internet, scrolling through pages, and suddenly, you’re bombarded with adverts that seem to know your every whim. That’s the magic of third-party cookies—those sneaky bits of data that track your online movements and shape the digital experience. But guess what? The biscuit tin is getting a shake-up, and it’s affecting hotels big time.

Google, the digital powerhouse, has thrown down the gauntlet by announcing the phasing out of third-party cookies from its Chrome browser by Q4 of 2024, with other browsers quickly following suit. This move, while aimed at beefing up user privacy, is sending shockwaves through industries reliant on targeted advertising and personalised marketing—hotels, included.

Understanding the Cookie Conundrum: 1st Party vs. 3rd Party Cookies

To comprehend the impact of Google’s decision to phase out third-party cookies, it’s essential to distinguish between first-party and third-party cookies. These terms may sound similar, but their functions and implications vastly differ.

  • First-Party Cookies: Think of these as the cookies baked in-house. First-party cookies are set by the website you’re directly interacting with. They primarily serve to enhance user experience by remembering preferences, login details, and items in your shopping cart. From a hotel’s perspective, first-party cookies are invaluable for understanding visitor behaviour on their own website.
  • Third-Party Cookies: Now, these are the cookies that hitch a ride across different websites. Third-party cookies are created by domains other than the one the user is currently visiting. They’re the backbone of targeted advertising and tracking, enabling advertisers to follow users across the web and deliver personalised ads. However, they’ve also become a focal point of privacy concerns due to their ability to monitor users’ browsing habits without their explicit consent.

So to summarize: third-party cookies are like the behind-the-scenes spies of the internet. They collect data as you bounce from site to site, helping marketers tailor their messages to fit your fancy. But their days are numbered, thanks to growing concerns over privacy and data ethics.

So, what’s the big deal for hotels?

The Hotel Impact

For hotels, the demise of third-party cookies spells trouble in paradise:

Adapt or Die: Say goodbye to the old ways of targeted advertising. Hotels need to get creative with audience targeting, focusing on first-party data and other sneaky tactics to reach potential guests.

Know Thy Guest: Understanding guest preferences is key to keeping them coming back. Hotels must shift gears, relying on first-party data and less invasive methods to craft personalised experiences.

Marketing Makeover: The cookie crackdown means hotels need to rethink their marketing playbook. It’s time to explore new avenues, from contextual targeting to privacy-focused technologies, to keep those bookings rolling in.

The Sweet Side of a Cookie-Free Future

But it’s not all doom and gloom. The cookie-free era comes with its perks:

Trust is Trendy: Privacy is the new black, and users are all about it. By prioritising user privacy, hotels can build trust and loyalty, making guests more likely to book and recommend.

Better Experience, Better Bookings: By ditching the snooping cookies, hotels can focus on delivering top-notch digital experiences. That means happier guests, glowing reviews, and more heads on pillows.

Next Steps for Hotels

So, what’s a hotelier to do in this brave new world?

Data, Data, Data: Double down on first-party data. Get to know your guests inside and out, and use that knowledge to tailor your marketing efforts.

Think Outside the Cookie Tin: Get creative with your targeting. Explore contextual advertising and other cookie-free methods to reach your audience.

Transparency is Key: Be upfront about your data practices. Give guests control over their information and watch the bookings roll in.

Stay Ahead of the Curve: Keep your finger on the pulse of emerging technologies. From Google’s Privacy Sandbox to Topics API, there’s a whole world of cookie-free possibilities out there.

In the end, while the death of third-party cookies may seem like a headache for hotels, it’s also a chance to step up their game. 

By embracing change, prioritising privacy, and getting creative with their marketing, hotels can not only survive but thrive in the cookie-free future.